I'd Like My Runner Pride Back, Please

Our Girls on the Run season is quickly coming to a close and the weather is starting to get suckier. Cold and rainy.

When it's raining, we have to practice inside. Not because we're girls, but because we'll tear up the field if we run in the rain. (And also, it makes my hair really frizzy...)

When we practice inside, we run around the gym, making our laps significantly shorter.

When our laps are significantly shorter, the girls go faster. 

When the girls go faster, they get competitive.

When they get competitive, they choose the likely targets to challenge...their coaches.


Seven different girls challenged me to a race around the gym. 

Seven different girls beat me.

Two of those beat me twice. 

I mean, I love coaching. I do. I just...I train for this stuff, you know? Like, year round. I put time and planning and a lot of effort into trying to run faster...*sigh* No no. I'm proud of them. I don't resent them. 

...if you need me, I'll be digging through my old race t-shirts trying to find my pride...

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Because It's More Than Running...

Why is Girls on the Run important? It may not seem like much, training young girls to run a 5k. But it is so much more than running. It ...