Choosing Friends With Reckless Abandon

There are those that say you should keep your circle small. That you only need one or two people in your life, truly in your life.

And I think that may be true for many people.

For me, however, I take a more drastic approach to who I allow in my world. Because I have so many worlds. Those worlds demand different people.

My Crazy Adventure People

My Norma & America's Toughest Road Marathon
My Ragnar Trail Ladies
My Spartan Son
My Road Ragnar Family

These are my people that challenge me to do and be more. They inspire me to work hard and achieve the things I desire. They push me as far outside of my comfort zone as I have ever been and then push me more. And they join me there. Because of these people, I have added many adventures to my list of accomplishments: Spartan, Blue Ridge Marathon, Ragnar Road, Ragnar Trail. This year, I will take on even more.

C&C & Mountain Junkies Conquering the Cove
Goal Diggers Showing Up For Adult Field Day
My Thursday Night Water Dog Runners
  They feed an addiction and I need every one of them.

My Selfless Volunteer People

Bedford Humane Society & the Cattyshack
(Photobomber Manny was adopted into an awesome forever home)
Girls on the Run/Heart & Sole
Helping young girls find their power.
These are the people that inspire me to give beyond myself and fight for the things I believe in. They are busy rescuing animals and shaping the lives of children. They are making the world a better place and they let me tag along in the process. They don't make me feel guilty when I step back to regroup. (Because animal rescue will eat up every ounce of faith, hope, and sanity that you have.) They continue fighting the fight and welcome me back with open arms when my heart says it's time to try again.

(BTW, this is where I direct you to the top of the page where you can click on a Girls on the Run page to learn more, volunteer, or even donate...)

My Judgy Nonjudgmental People

Groupies at my rap musical debut

Judging me when I need it most

These are the people that allow me to be questionable and crazy. They call me on my BS, offering judgement about my questionable choices while simultaneously supporting me in an incredibly nonjudgmental way. They give me permission to say the things that one doesn't say in polite company. It's an amazing kind of freedom. And they encourage me to be crazy, creative, and daring. And they are there cheering obnoxiously loud as I do.

THE Family

My Safe Space People 

And these people serve as my safe space. They are my soft place to land when I am exhausted and defeated. They are family, though family doesn't seem like a strong enough word. They each give me a sense of peace and acceptance in their own special way. They are the core of my world. My center. And it is because of them that I feel confident enough to venture out with all of the groups above. I probably take them for granted, trusting that they will always be there when I need them. But that's because they always are. Always.

My parents are always there, sitting in their kitchen offering me food and unconditional love. My kids are there in the chair beside me offering laughter and basketball viewing companionship. And my best friend, my claimed family, is there, just down the road, offering conversation and support and the love of her family.

My Center

So, when I'm feeling like I might be in the midst of an identity crisis, not sure who or what I'm supposed to be, I take a short walk down the road and find myself again on my best friend's couch. Or maybe I take a run over to my parents' house to find myself again in their kitchen.

My Heart

I think, as long as you have those few precious people that will serve as your core, you can go out and choose your friends with reckless abandon. Because they make it safe to take those chances.
And I am endlessly thankful for them.

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